Become a Sponsor
With more than 300 members and a mailing list of more than 400, your organization would receive exposure to one of the largest collections of professionals in the Central Massachusetts area. Given the impressive history of our organization, we are sensitive to making sure our sponsorships are done in a professional, tasteful manner.
To become a sponsor, contact us or download the form here.
The sponsorship benefits include:
$5,000 Gold
- Signage at the event with your firm’s logo appearing on stage with the Worcester Economic Club logo.
- Your firm’s logo included on the invitation to the event.
- Your firm’s logo on the Worcester Economic Club website with the announcement of the meeting.
- A VIP reception before the event with the speaker, your guests, and the Executive Committee of the club.
- Two tables of 10 seats reserved in the front of the banquet hall for you and your guests for dinner and the presentation.
- One representative of your organization welcome to sit at the head table with our speaker and the officers of the Worcester Economic Club.
- A spokesperson for your organization may take a few minutes to address the crowd and give an overview of your company.
- Any press releases sent to the media mentioning the event would include your organization’s sponsorship.
$2,500 Silver
- Your firm’s logo included on the invitation to the event.
- Your firm’s logo on the Worcester Economic Club website with the announcement of the meeting.
- A VIP reception before the event with the speaker, your guests, and the Executive Committee of the club.
- One table of 10 seats for you and your guests for dinner with a company recognition by the master of ceremonies.
- Any press releases sent to the media mentioning the event would include your organization’s sponsorship.
To become a sponsor, contact us or download the form here.