Past Speakers

The following list is a small selection of the hundreds of speakers at past meetings of the Worcester Economic Club. Past speakers include U.S. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, Senators and Journalists.

Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
82 2/8/1919 Col. W. A. Bishop Air Fighting in Flanders Fields
82 2/8/1919 Prof. A. W. Duff Bomb Dropping
83 4/2/1919 Captain Paul Perigord The Continuance of Friendship between American and French People after the War.
83 4/2/1919 Hon. Clarence B. Miller of Minnesota The New World and America’s Place in it
84 5/20/1919 Lieutenant M. Mouhanoff Conditions in Russia
84 5/20/1919 Major-General Sir Frederick B. Maurice How the War was Won

Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
85 1/13/1920 Mr. Sherman Rogers Common Sense and the Labor Problem
85 1/13/1920 Hon. Leslie M. Shaw The Vital Economic Issue
86 2/5/1920 Rear Admiral Joseph Strause, U.S.N. Naval Operations in the North Sea
86 2/5/1920 Major General Enoch Crowder, U.S.A. The Organization of an Army
87 4/14/1920 Mr. Ivy L. Lee The Future of Transportation in America
87 4/14/1920 Prof. Irving Fisher Stabilizing the Dollar
88 10/26/1920 Dr. Hamilton Holt The Issues of the Presidential Campaign
88 10/26/1920 Dr. Lyman Abbott The Issues of the Presidential Campaign
89 12/16/1920 Mr. Jules S. Bache Needed Changes in Federal Taxation, with special references to the much-advocated gross Sales of Turnover Tax (In Favor)
89 12/16/1920 Mr. F. R. Carnegie Steele Needed Changes in Federal Taxation, with special references to the much-advocated gross Sales of Turnover Tax (Opposition)
90 2/6/1921 Mr. John Graham Brooks Social Control of Industrial Warfare
90 2/6/1921 Dr. Edward Cummings Social Control of Industrial Warfare
91 4/25/1921 Prof. Walter B. Pitkin The Japanese Problem of California
91 4/25/1921 Hon. Julius Kahn The Japanese Problem of California
92 12/5/1921 Magnus W. Alexander Economic Conditions in Europe
92 12/5/1921 W. Irving Bullard Financial Conditions in Europe
93 1/26/1922 Mr. Don C. Seitz The Making of a Newspaper
93 1/26/1922 Mr. MacGregor Jenkins The Making of a Magazine
94 2/20/1922 George Grafton Wilson, L.L.D. The Limitation of Armament
94 2/20/1922 George H. Blakeslee, Ph.D. The Pacific and Far Eastern Questions
95 4/13/1922 Mr. J. D. Morril The Coal Situtation
95 4/13/1922 Hon. Herbert Parker Services of Edwin U. Curtis as Boston Police Commisioner
96 10/16/1922 His Execellency Stephen Panaretoff “The Circle in the Near East”
96 10/16/1922 Dr. William Linn Wentermann “The Circle in the Near East”
97 12/20/1922 Dr. Julius Klein America’s Place in the Trade of the World
98 1/9/1923 S. S. McClure World Conditions Today
98 1/9/1923 Syud Hossin The Modern World and Western Civilization
99 2/13/1923 George W. Edmonds The Ship Subsidy and its Relation To General Business
99 2/13/1923 Wallace W. Atwood My European Travels
100 3/15/1923 Hon. Theodore E. Burton Repartions and International Debt
100 3/15/1923 Henry Parker Willis Repartions and International Debt
101 4/25/1923 Prof. Robert D. Ward “Immigration Policy”
101 4/26/1923 Hon. William W. Husband “Immigration Policy”
102 10/25/1923 Mr. Edward B. Buckland “The Railroad Situation in New England”
102 10/25/1923 Prof. William J. Cunningham “The Railroad Situation in New England”
102 10/25/1923 James J. Hill “The Railroad Situation in New England”
103 11/27/1923 Dr. Harold G. Moulton “Germany’s Capacity to Pay”
104 1/30/1924 Col. William N. Haskeff “Present Conditions in Russia”
105 2/26/1924 William S. Murray “The Future Power Supply for New England”
105 2/26/1924 George Otis Smith “The Future Power Supply for New England”
106 3/26/1924 Laurence Lyon “European Political Situation and the Personalities Behind them.”
107 4/5/1924 The Right Honorable William Morris Hughes, P.C. “The Pacific, The Coming World Problems.”
108 10/31/1924 Mr. John H. Fahey “The European Situation and the Personalities Behind them.”
109 11/20/1924 Col. C. H. Birdseye “The Uncharted Colorado River”
110 1/22/1925 William Tyler Page “Forty Years in the United States Capital”
111 2/12/1925 General H. N. Lord “The Nation’s Business”
112 4/29/1925 Mr. Alba Johnson “Shall We Save the Inter-State Commerce Commission?”
113 10/19/1925 Hon. James M. Beck of Philadelphia “The Future of our Institutions”
114 11/23/1925 Rear Admiral Frederick C. Billard Our “Peace and War” Service-The United States Coast Guard
115 1/28/1926 Dr. Oliver E. Baker “The Trend in Agriculture as Shown by the 1925 Cenus, with Especial Reference to New England”
116 2/24/1926 William H. Stayton “Shall the Volstead Act be Modified to Permit the Sale of Beer and Light Wines”
116 2/24/1926 Edward B. Dunford “Shall the Volstead Act be Modified to Permit the Sale of Beer and Light Wines”
117 5/4/1926 Dr. Herbert S. Hadley “Government and Education”
118 11/10/1926 Raymond B. Fosdick Present Accomplishments and Progress of League of Nations
119 12/7/1926 Representative L.J. Dickson of Iowa “Resolved, that the present economic situation in agriculture can be best improved by
enacting legislation involving the principles of the Dickenson Bill as
introduced and discussed in the first session of the 69th Congress.”
119 12/7/1926 Representative F.W. Fort of New Jersey “Resolved, that the present economic situation in agriculture can be best improved by
enacting legislation involving the principles of the Dickenson Bill as
introduced and discussed in the first session of the 69th Congress.”
120 2/10/1927 Dr. P.W. Kuo Present Conditions in China
120 2/10/1927 Dr. Stanley K. Hornbeck Present Conditions in China
121 4/9/1927 Hon. William E. Borah The Constant Enroachment of Government Upon Business
122 5/4/1927 Dr. Israel Mattuck New Forces Remaking An Old World
123 11/11/1927 The Hon. Ogden L. Mills Federal Tax Problems
122 12/15/1927 The Hon. William P. MacCracken, Jr. Commerical Aviation: Its Development, Present and Prospective
125 1/31/1928 Charles Donnelly, Esquire The Railroad Consolidation Movement
126 2/28/1928 George H. Blakeslee, Ph.D., L.H.D. The Near View of China
127 4/25/1928 Wallace Thompson The Nicaraguan Problem
128 11/9/1928 Dr. Julius Klein Recovery of Europe: its Meaning for America
129 11/27/1928 Hon. Frederick M. Davenport The Question of Public Utlities
130 1/16/1929 Francis H. Sisson Present-day Trends in America Finance with reference to Industrial and Commercial Expansion and to General Prosperity
131 2/26/1929 William Trufant Foster The New President and the New Economics
132 4/10/1929 Honorable Harry R. Lewis The Undeveloped Resources of New England
132 4/10/1929 Mr. John F. Tineley The Undeveloped Resources of New England
132 4/10/1929 Honorable Ralph O. Brewster The Undeveloped Resources of New England
133 11/14/1929 Honorable Charles S. Whitman The Crime Situation in the United States
134 12/10/1929 Professor Jacob H. Hollander The Financial Crisis of 1929 and The Present Day Economic Situation
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
135 1/23/1930 Count Michael Karolyi Fascism – Its Danger to World Peace
136 3/7/1930 W. R. Hopkins Modern City Government
137 5/13/1930 William Hard The London Naval Conference
138 10/10/1930 Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd Flying to the South Pole
139 11/20/1930 Mr. Homer L. Ferguson The American Merchant Marine
140 2/20/1931 Dr. James W. Angell The European Financial Situation
141 3/26/1931 Mr. John M. Hancock Some Unsound Beliefs
142 4/23/1931 Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol The Navy as an Essential Function of the United States Government
143 11/4/1931 Hon. George H. Moses The 72nd Congress-in Anticipation
144 12/11/1931 Right Hon. Winston Churchill The Destiny of the English-Speaking People
145 1/27/1932 General Smedley Butler Causes of Crime
146 5/26/1932 Hon. James M. Beck The Cost of Government
147 11/1/1932 David Lawrence Summing up the Campaign
148 12/8/1932 George E. Sokolsky Japan’s Search for Power and Security
149 1/23/1933 Robert Lincoln O’Brien Tariffs and Trade the World Around
150 3/14/1933 Frederick William Wile The New Administration: Its Task and Its Prospects
151 5/1/1933 Maurice Hindus Hitler and Stalin
152 11/8/1933 Frances Perkins
153 12/5/1933 Robert M. LaFollette, Jr.
154 1/24/1934 Roy Chapman Andrews
155 3/20/1934 United States Senator L.J. Dickinson Debate on N.R.A (Republican)
155 3/21/1934 Congressman Charles West Debate on N.R.A (Democrat)
156 5/8/1934 Dr. Edwin W. Kemmerer “The Present Currency Problem”
157 11/1/1934 Will Durant
158 12/17/1934 Murray Seasongood, Esq. Municipal Affairs
158 12/17/1934 Mr. Harry G. Stoddard A New Charter for Worcester
159 1/8/1935 Mark Sullivan, Litt.D. “The Choice Ahead of Us”
160 2/18/1935 Hon. Bainbridge Colby “National Trends in the Light of Economics”
161 5/27/1935 John Dickinson, Ph.D “The
Aministration’s Program and the Business Man’s Attitude-Alternative Policies
and the Administration’s Choice-Recovery Results to Date – Long-Time versus
Short-Time Policies, Planning, Regimentation and Industrial Self-Government
162 11/12/1935 Arthur Atwood Ballantine “Significance of Federal Financing Policies”
163 12/12/1935 Honorable Charles West Centralized National Control of Economics as Opposed to State Rights” (For)
163 12/13/1935 Honorable Hamilton Fish Jr. Centralized National Control of Economics as Opposed to State Rights” (Against)
164 1/8/1936 Dr. E.J. Nourse “The Broader Meaning of Agriculture Adjustment Act” (AAA)
165 3/5/1936 Clinton Wunder “Townsend Plan” (For)
165 3/6/1936 Honorable Simeon D. Fess “Townsend Plan” (Against)
166 3/31/1936 Merle Thorpe “The State of the Nation”
168 10/29/1936 Carl P. Dennett “Our National Insecurity”
169 11/27/1936 Captain Albert W. Stevens “Adventure in the Stratosphere”
170 1/13/1937 Nicholas Roosevelt “Does the Constitution Function for the People” (Affirmative)
170 1/13/1937 John Spivak “Does the Constitution Function for the People” (Negative)
171 3/25/1937 H. V. Kaltenborn “Kaltenborn Edits the News”
172 5/25/1937 James M. Hepbron “Hail Felon Well Met”
173 11/1/1937 Honorable Josiah W. Bailey “United States Constitution”
174 12/14/1937 Rev. Edmund Walsh “World Communism-Twenty Years after the Russian Revolution”
175 3/14/1938 William Allan Neilson “American Education Under Fire”
176 5/5/1938 Honorable H. Styles Bridges “Outstanding National Issues”
177 5/31/1938 Dr. Peng Chun Chang “The New Situation in the Pacific”
178 10/31/1938 Stuart Chase “The End of an Epic”
179 12/19/1938 Henry F. Long “Shall Massachusetts Have a Sales Tax?” (In Favor Of)
179 12/20/1938 Daniel Bloomfield “Shall Massachusetts Have a Salex Tax?” (Against)
180 1/26/1939 Maurice G. Hindus “Czechoslovakia – Watchdog of Mankind”
181 3/14/1939 William J. Cameron “Freedom of Enterprise”
182 5/15/1939 Honorable Joseph C. O’Mahoney “Federal Control of Industry”
183 11/9/1939 Virgil Jordan Prospects for Amrican Business in a Troubled World
184 11/27/1939 Raymond Moley Can America Stay Out of the War
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
188 11/7/1940 Edward Tomlinson New Roads to Riches in the Other Americas
189 12/16/1940 Honorable Bennett Champ Clark National Problems that Transcend Politics
190 1/30/1941 Sir Hubert Wilkins
191 3/27/1941 Whiting Williams “How the American Worker Feels about It”
192 5/5/1941 Honorable Hugh R. Wilson America’s Role in the War Crisis
193 11/24/1941 Sir Philip Gibbs “The Spirit of Britain”
194 1/5/1942 Dr. Ricardo Alfaro “What Will Latin America Do?”
195 2/10/1942 Dr. George H. Blakeslee “Our War in the Pacific”
196 3/24/1942 Pierre Van Paassen (sick – could not lecture) “The Conquest of the Twentieth Century”
197 Louis Fischer “The Dawn of History”
198 4/16/1942 Channing Pollock “What Can We Do For Democracy”
198 11/5/1942 Louis P. Lochner “What About Germany?”
199 1/5/1943 Leland Stowe “Reporting The War From All Fronts”
200 2/9/1943 Mr. Edward Tomlinson “The Americas at War”
201 3/12/1943 Thurman Arnold “The Problem of the Trust”
202 5/17/1943 The Hon. Joseph C. Grew “Our War with Japan”
203 11/29/1943 Mr. Louis Fischer “Ever Changing Russia”
204 12/16/1943 Hon. Daniel W. Bell “War and Postwar Financing”
205 2/7/1944 Dr. Beardsley Ruml “The Challenge of Tomorrow”
206 3/1/1944 Dr. Gerald Wendt “Wartime Science and Postwar Living”
207 4/10/1944 Dr. J Anton DeHaas “International Relations – Social, Political and Economic”
208 5/13/1944 Henry J. Taylor “Movement of the War”
209 11/17/1944 Henry C. Wolfe “Next Act in Europe”
210 1/9/1945 Emil Ludwig “What Kind of Peace Shall We Make With Germany?”
211 2/19/1945 Frazier Hunt “What’s Ahead for America”
212 3/24/1945 Sir Henry Self, K.C.M.G, K.B.E., C.B., of London “Foreign Trade in the Post-War Period”
213 4/23/1945 Robert Bellaire “The Japanese As I Have Seen Them”
214 5/25/1945 Carl Van Doren “America’s Role in the World of Tomorrow”
215 12/5/1945 Archduke Felix of Austria “The Reconstruction and Re-education of Europe”
216 1/22/1946 John B. Hughes “The U.S. Must Face Responsibility for Peace”
217 2/8/1946 Maurice Hindus
218 3/14/1946 Royal Arch Gunnison “Can You Legislate Labor-Management Peace?”
219 5/15/1946 William L. Laurence Our Heritage of Atomic Science”
220 11/5/1946 Robert Parker “America’s Economic Stake in Europe”
221 12/4/1946 Randolph Churchill “Europe Today”
222 2/13/1947 The Hon. Charles Phelps Taft “Are We Headed for a Big Depression?”
223 3/13/1947 William Sterling Parsons “Atomic Energy in the Immediate Future”
224 4/14/1947 William A. Lydgate “What America Thinks”
225 11/18/1947 James E. McCarthy “Responsibility” The American Way of Life
226 1/28/1948 Dr. Charles Prince “World Pattern of Current Soviet Penetration”
227 2/18/1948 The Honorable Stanislaw Mikolajczyk “For Our and Your Freedom” (Beware of the Juggernaut)
228 4/5/1948 Congressman Fred A. Hartley, Jr., of New Jersey “Labor Problems in America”
229 5/13/1948 Frank Kluckholm “Latin America in Transition”
230 11/19/1948 Prof. Thomas H.D. Mahoney (substitute for Hon. John S. Young) “The Russian Problem – An American Problem”
231 1/24/1949 Vice Admiral Edward Lull Cochrane, U.S. Navy (retired) “Our Navy – and the Future”
232 2/17/1949 Wellington Roe “What Meeting Ground for Capital and Labor?”
233 3/16/1949 James R. Young “What Should We Do In China?”
233 3/16/1949 John Goette “What Should We Do In China?”
234 4/12/1949 Carl Taylor “America Tomorrow” or “What Makes America Great”
235 9/20/1949 Alderman John B. Edwards “British Social Legislation”
236 11/28/1949 Brigadier General Frank L. Howley “Fear for Breakfast”
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
237 1/10/1950 Cecil Palmer “What Socialism is Doing to British Freedom”
238 2/27/1950 John C. Metcalfe “Where Are We Going In Washington?”
239 3/29/1950 E. Wight Bakke “The Price of Freedom”
240 4/27/1950 Raymond Moley “Is Bigness in Business Bad?”
241 11/13/1950 Edgar Ansel Mowrer “Can We Avoid World War III?”
242 1/16/1951 William Laurence “Biological Revolution”
243 2/14/1951 Patrick Murphy Malin “Freedom is a Risky Business, but it pays High Dividends”
244 3/13/1951 Bill Costello “What Next in Asia?”
245 4/30/1951 C. Hartley Grattan “The Economic Scene Today”
246 12/10/1951 Dr. Gerald Wendt “What Science is Doing to Us”
247 1/7/1952 Rear Admiral Ellis M. Zacharias, U.S. Navy (Retired) “Are We Really Stopping Russia?” (Debate)
247 1/7/1952 Cecil Brown, News Analyst & Commentator “Are We Really Stopping Russia?” (Debate)
248 2/11/1952 Robert S. Allen “1952 Presidential Race – Men and Issues”
250 4/3/1952 Hugh Llewellyn Keenleyside “The Twentieth Century Belongs to Canada”
251 11/25/1952 John C. Caldwell “Lessons Learned in Korea”
253 2/26/1953 Stanley S. Surrey “Some Current Problems of Federal Taxation Policy”
254 5/4/1953 Ralph Johnson Bunche, Ph.D. “India, Pakistan, and the Near East – A challenge to the West.”
255 6/8/1953 David L. Cole “Labor Problems – Present and Future”
255 6/8/1953 Isador Lubin “Labor Problems – Present and Future”
256 11/19/1953 Sumner H. Slichter, Ph.D. “Labor Relations and Laws Dealing with Same”
257 1/18/1954 Leonard Carmichael, Ph.D.,Sc.D., LL.D., Litt. D., L.H.D. “An Evaluation of the Present Economy of New England”
258 2/16/1954 Dr. Ruth Alexander “Can Capitalism Survive?”
259 3/23/1954 Russell Brines “Can We Win the Battle for Asia?”
260 4/12/1954 William Laurence “The Truth About The Hydrogen Bomb”
261 11/2/1954 Patrick B. McGinnis “Railroading – Today and Tomorrow”
262 12/2/1954 Dorothy Thompson “The Crisis in the Middle East”
263 1/28/1955 Harrison Salisbury “Inside Soviet Central Asia”
264 3/7/1955 Edward Tomlinson “Today and Tomorrow in the Americas”
265 4/18/1955 Erwin D. Canham “The Chances for Peace”
266 11/2/1955 Mark W. Clark “Where Are We Going in Foreign Affairs?”
267 2/7/1956 Hon. Walter H. Judd “Where Do We Stand Now In Asia?”
268 3/12/1956 Alan Harrison Temple “The American Economy, 1956”
269 4/5/1956 Sinclair Weeks
270 5/8/1956 Newbold Morris “Destiny of American Cities”
271 10/29/1956 Robert Aura Smith Should the United Nations Admit Red China
272 1/15/1957 Herbert Gezork, Ph.D., D.D, LL.D. “What I Saw In Russia”
273 2/11/1957 Joel Barlow “The Power to Tax is the Power to …’
274 3/27/1957 Kenneth W. Haagensen
275 4/15/1957 William Webster “Atomic Power and New England”
276 11/21/1957 M. Grattan O’Leary “Your Northern Neighbor and You”
277 12/4/1957 Right Honorable Anthony Nutting “The Muddle in the Middle East”
278 1/6/1958 Vance Brand “The Latin American Economy and the United States”
279 2/25/1958 Carter Lane Burgess “Home Leadership”
280 4/14/1958 Gabriel Hauge “Some Aspects of the Soviet Economy”
281 10/29/1958 General Carlos Romulo “The Race for Power”
282 1/15/1959 Dr. Paul A. Siple “The South Pole”
283 2/10/1959 Hon. Robert D. Murphy
284 3/17/1959 William Laurence “Atoms for Peace”
285 3/22/1959 Preston E. James, Ph.D. “What Happened to Democracy in Latin America”
286 11/5/1959 Norman Cousins “The War
Against Man”
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
287 1/5/1960 Honorable Wesley Powell “The Profile of Tomorrow”
288 2/15/1960 Dr. T. Keith Glennan “Our Future in Space”
289 3/10/1960 Barbara Ward “Africa in Action”
290 5/2/1960 Raymond J. Saulnier, Ph.D. “Current Economic Issues”
291 10/3/1960 Bertram B. Johansson “Latin America in Crisis”
292 1/12/1961 The Honorable Anthony Wedgwood Benn “A Britisher Looks at The African Revolution”
293 2/9/1961 David Rockefeller “The New European Market; A Progress Report”
294 3/14/1961 Charles R. Sligh, Jr. “The Promise Path to Centralism”
295 5/3/1961 Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi “Shall We Survive?”
296 10/18/1961 Sir Gerald Beadle “Global TV – A Force for World Unity”
297 11/20/1961 Hon. William O. Douglas “Russia Today”
298 3/8/1962 Dr. Robert C. Weaver “The Urban Frontier”
299 4/2/1962 Lawrence E. Spivak “Meet the Press in Reverse”
300 5/28/1962 Dr. Constantine Generalis, M.D. “Man: From His Terrestrial Cradle Unto Galactic Maturity”
301 9/25/1962 Candidates of the Democratic and Republic Parties for the Office of US Senate from Massachusetts (September 18, 1962) Debate on qualifications and issues involved in coming senatorial election
302 1/14/1963 Dr. Ralph E. Lapp “The Space Frontier”
303 2/26/1963 Robert C. Wood, Ph.D. “The Future of the City”
304 3/19/1963 Vance Packard “What’s Happening to the American Character?”
305 5/13/1963 Art Buchwald “Buchwald At Large”
306 11/14/1963 Serge Lentz “Inside Red China”
307 2/27/1964 William F. Butler “A Banker’s Formula For Good Times in 1964”
308 3/19/1964 Rev. W. Seavey Joyce, S.J. “Civic Affairs: The Role of the Professional Man”
309 4/23/1964 Walter R. Johnson “The Business of Business Forecasting”
311 11/12/1964 Fred Warner Neal U.S. – Soviet Relations; A Re-Appraisal
312 2/3/1965 Dr. Hudson Hoagland, Ph.D., Sc.D. “The Life Sciences and the Worcester Foundation”
312 2/3/1965 Dr. Gregory Pincus, Sc.D. “The Life Sciences and the Worcester Foundation”
313 3/24/1965 General S.L.A. Marshall “Hot and Cold Wars Around the World – From Israel to Vietnam”
314 4/6/1965 Walter W. Heller, Ph.D. “Sustaining America’s Prosperity”
315 5/26/1965 Kenneth P. O’Donnell “The Legacy of John F. Kennedy”
316 11/18/1965 Thomas Knight Finletter “NATO and Related Matters”
317 2/3/1966 General Maxwell Davenport Taylor “Vietnam Reports”
318 4/14/1966 Dr. Langdon Brown Gilkey, Ph.D. “Vatican II from a Protestant’s Perspective”
319 5/10/1966 Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi “Free Enterprise or Disaster”
320 9/26/1966 Arthur R. Upgren, Ph.D.
322 2/16/1967 Bert Quint What We Are Doing Wrong in Latin America
323 4/3/1967 Harrison E. Salisbury
324 6/20/1967 Carl Hermann Voss
325 10/30/1967 Frederick H. Jackson, Ph.D. Higher Education Today
326 12/5/1967 Richard C. Hottelet Behind the International Headlines
327 3/5/1968 Lester S. Hyman Political Debate (Democratic State Committee)
327 3/5/1968 Josiah A. Spaulding Political Debate (Republican State Committee)
328 4/2/1968 James Vorenberg
329 5/21/1968 Eliot Janeway
330 9/26/1968 The Honorable Carl T. Rowan
331 12/12/1968 Andrew F. Brimmer Monetary Policy and Credit Flows
332 1/29/1969 John Geisser
333 2/19/1969 Bill Veeck
334 4/10/1969 Walter W. Heller “White House Economics and the ’70’s”
335 5/7/1969 G. Hugh Russell, Ph.D. “Breaking the Human Communications Barrier”
336 10/15/1969 F. Lee Bailey
337 12/2/1969 Robert F. Drinan, S.J. “Democracy, Dissent and Disorder”
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
338 1/29/1970 Dr. George W. Hazzard
339 4/8/1970 Dr. Rene Dubos The Quality of Life – Can Man Construct a Better Environment
340 5/5/1970 Dr. Arthur Okun
341 9/28/1970 The Honorable Francis W. Sargent Economic Opportunities for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
341 9/28/1970 The Honorable Kevin H. White
342 11/5/1970 Kenneth M. Wright “The Economic and Financial Outlook for 1971”
343 12/7/1970 C. Eugene Farnam “Automobile Insurance”
344 3/2/1871 Dr. Glenn W. Ferguson “The Economics of Higher Education”
345 4/14/1971 Dr. Herbert Stein “Expanding Without Inflating”
346 10/12/1971 Dr. Paul S. Nadler Economic Outlook for 1972
347 12/2/1971 Mr. Neil Sheehan
348 1/20/1972 Rev. John E. Brooks, S.J. Private Higher Education: it’s future in Massachusetts
349 3/20/1972 Bill Vaughan “The Economic Importance of the Economic Idiot”
350 4/18/1972 The Honorable Wilbur D. Mills
351 11/1/1972 Richard Devereux Hill “The Fiscal Crisis in Massachusetts”
352 12/6/1972 Carleton B. Chapman, M.D. The National Health Crisis – what it is and what it isn’t
353 2/7/1973 Dr. Mahlon B. Hoagland New Horizons for Medical Research
354 4/4/1973 Dr. Paul McCracken
355 5/8/1973 Rep. Paul McCloskey, Jr.
356 10/22/1973 Senator William Proxmire
357 11/26/1973 Dr. Marina von Neumann Whitman What We Have Learned From Controls
358 1/17/1974 Bruce D. Henderson Competition and the American Dream
359 3/26/1974 Mr. Bill Monroe
360 5/7/1974 Hugh Sidey The Presidency
361 10/16/1974 Governor Francis Sargent Debate on the Important Issues of the 1974 Gubernatorial campaign
Michael Dukakis Debate on the Important Issues of the 1974 Gubernatorial campaign
362 12/2/1974 Robert D. Novak What Washington Plans for American Business
363 2/4/1975 Dr. Mortimer H. Appley Higher Education in Transition
364 4/3/1975 Dr. Pierre Andre Rinfret “The Tri-Polar World”
365 5/20/1975 John C. Sawhill Energy Policy at the Crossroads
366 11/14/1975 Dr. Paul McCracken David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: Is Economic Progress Obsolete?
367 12/2/1975 Dr. Andrew F. Brimmer Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook
368 2/3/1976 F.G. (Buck) Rodgers Constants of Change
369 4/29/1976 Dr. Thomas E. Cronin The American Presidency at Age 186 and 4 Years After Watergate
370 6/1/1976 W.R. Bryan “Still the Last, Best Hope”
371 10/26/1976 Hal Bruno Presidential Election 1976
372 1/4/1977 Irving Kristol The Future of Democratic Capitalism
373 3/15/1977 Derek C. Bok The Future of Private Colleges & Universities
374 4/26/1977 Dr. Alice M. Rivlin The Congressional Budget Process
375 11/28/1977 Frank G. Zarb Facing Energy Realities
376 3/21/1978 Stephen K. Bailey The Future of Higher Education
377 4/20/1978 Paul M. Ellwood, Jr. Market Failure – Treat the Disease, Not the Symptoms
378 5/2/1978 Milton Friedman Can Leviathan Be Halted?
379 10/1/1978 Edward M. Brooke / Paul E. Tsongas Candidates for the U.S. Senate
380 12/6/1978 Daniel Schorr The Media Under Fire
381 3/6/1979 John Dane, Jr. Proposal for Property Tax Relief – The 500 Million Dollar Sure Thing
382 5/3/1979 Norman B. Ture David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: The Current State of the Political Economy
383 10/24/1979 James M. Howell Twenty-Six Older New England Cities and Three Million New Englanders: What Is Their Economic Future In The 80’s?
384 12/10/1979 Vice Admiral George E.R. Kinnear II, U.S. Navy The Economics of Defense in the Nuclear Age, Revisited
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
385 3/4/1980 Professor Christoph Hohenemser Anticipated 1986 Energy Debate
Professor Roger Kasperson
386 5/12/1980 Dr. Rudolph G. Penner David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: Tax Policies In An Inflationary Era
387 10/28/1980 Douglas Kiker Comments on The Forthcoming Election
388 12/16/1980 John R. Silber The Public Interest in Higher Education: Balancing Opportunity and Cost
389 3/10/1981 Dr. Albert Carnesale Nuclear Power: Issues and Choices
390 5/12/1981 Murray L. Weidenbaum David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: The Prospects For Economic Policy in the 1980s
391 10/13/1981 Malcolm Baldrige “Holding Economic Policy on Course”
392 12/10/1981 Mahlon Hoagland, M.D. Science, Genes and Business
393 4/13/1982 Dr. Lawrence J. Korb David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: “The Defense Budget: Readdressing Two Decades of Neglect”
394 5/20/1982 The Honorable William E. Simon A Time For Action
395 10/21/1982 Robert B. Helms Health Care Compensation: Myths & Misconceptions
396 1/11/1983 Senate President William M. Bulger Legislative Update
397 4/6/1983 James C. Miller, III David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: “Current Administration Efforts Toward Regulatroy Reform”
398 5/24/1983 Louis E. Lataif An Optimistic View of The Auto Industry
399 9/20/1983 Dr. Alan Greenspan General Economic Outlook
400 10/18/1983 Mr. Jack W. Lavery The Outlook for the Economy and Interest Rates
401 3/15/1984 Francis C. Rooney, Jr. Entrepreneurship in a Company Environment Through Integrated Autonomy
402 4/3/1984 Dr. Lyle Eden Gramley David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series: Economic and Monetary Policies
403 10/9/1984 Winston S. Churchill, M.P. Challenges Confronting The West In the Eighties
404 2/28/1985 William Poole “Politics and Policy, In That Order”
405 3/25/1985 Jay W. Forrester The Economy In The Next Decade
406 4/22/1985 Dr. Attiat F. Ott David J. Ott Memorial Lecture Series – Tax Reform: Chasing the Elusive Dream
407 5/14/1985 Michael S. Dukakis Opportunity for All
408 10/3/1985 Lester C. Thurow America In A Competitive World Economy
409 11/12/1985 Ambassador George M. Lane The Future Role of the United States in Europe
410 3/6/1986 Richard P. Traina Diplomacy: The Noble or the Ignoble Profession.
411 4/22/1986 William F. Buckley, Jr. Reflection on Current Contentions
412 9/11/1986 William Niskanen Reflections on Reaganomics
413 11/6/1986 Jean Mayer The Organization of Technical Assistance
414 2/26/1987 Minoru Tamba “Four Power Relations in Asia”
415 5/19/1987 Marshall Loeb The Economy of Tomorrow
416 10/22/1987 George J. Stigler “The Government and Economic Efficiency: Progress by Tautology”
417 12/2/1987 John H. Sununu Nuclear Power
418 2/2/1988 Peter M. Senge, Ph.D. Historical Roots of Current Economic Transition
419 3/22/1988 Robert Heron Bork Remarks by the Honorable Robert H. Bork
420 4/27/1988 Dr. Irwin L. Kellner For Boom The Bell Tolls
421 10/11/1988 Mr. Ben J. Wattenberg The 1988 Presidential Election
422 1/31/1989 Leonard Laster, M.D. Miracles or Mediocrity? Economics and Medicine in the Nineties
423 4/4/1989 Robert G. Foster Starting BioTechnology Companies
424 5/3/1989 John P. LaWare Critical Public Policy Issues
425 6/7/1989 James Grant The Joy of Debt: How Lending and Borrowing Became One of the Nation’s Principal Growth Industries
426 9/26/1989 John Lucht Rites of Passage at &100,000+
427 11/14/1989 Robert B. Reich (Liberal side) Can America Stay Technologically Competitive?
427 11/14/1989 George Gilder (Conservative side) Can America Stay Technologically Competitive?
Meeting Number Date Speaker Subject
428 2/13/1990 Dr. Arthur B. Laffer What’s Ahead for the Economy?
429 4/17/1990 Dr. George N. Hatsopoulos “Risks and Opportunities for High Technology in the 1990s”
430 9/25/1990 Bert Ely “The S&L Mess: How We Got Into It; How We Get Out Of It”
431 10/26/1990 William. F. Weld Principal Economic Issues Facing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
432 2/7/1991 Lawrence K. Fish New England Banking
433 4/24/1991 Harold L. Hodgkinson Demographics – Effects on the Economy and Education
434 5/14/1991 Jack Anderson The News Behind The News
435 10/2/1991 Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. The Psychology of Money
436 12/5/1991 Karel Dyba Privatization and Economic Reform in Czechoslovakia
1/14/1992 The Honorable John M. Greaney Judicial Economics
437 3/31/1992 Robert W. Crandall “Why is Manufacturing in the Rust Belt Still Declining?”
438 6/9/1992 Lynn R. Williams Competitiveness and the Labor Movement
439 11/10/1992 Michael Medved The Three Big Lies About the Media and Society
440 1/20/1993 Aaron Lazare, M.D. The University of Massachusetts Medical Center and Its Economic Impact on Worcester and the Region
441 3/9/1993 Dr. William Freund Clintonomics – What’s Ahead for American Business
442 5/12/1993 The Honorable J. Danforth Quayle Remarks by the Honorable J. Danforth Quayle
443 9/29/1993 Rudi_Dornbusch U.S. & World Economics Trends
444 12/8/1993 Christopher J. Dede, Ed.D. Implications of the National Information Infrastructure for the American Business
445 2/17/1994 Stephen Goldsmith The Cutting Edge of Re-Inventing Government
446 5/17/1994 The Honourable Kim Campbell Canada and the United States: Prospects for the Hemisphere
447 9/20/1994 Allan H. Meltzer U.S. Leadership and Postwar Progress
448 12/1/1994 The Honorable Nancy L. Johnson The Mid-Term Elections – What It Means for the 104th Congress
449 1/26/1995 Alberto R. Coll Where is America’s Defense Policy Going?
450 3/27/1995 Richard Estrada U.S. Immigration: Forging Policy Out of Romanticism and Reality
451 5/4/1995 James Fallows Why the U.S. Press Corps is the Enemy of Democracy
452 9/11/1995 Richard A. Epstein Simple Rules for a Complex World
453 11/9/1995 Fred Barnes A View From Washington
454 1/23/1996 Terrence Murray Banking in the 90’s
455 4/24/1996 Paul R. Krugman Peddling Prosperity Revisited
456 9/18/1996 Frank Deford Professional Sports Implications for the Future of the City
457 11/19/1996 Ann Brown Efficient Government: How To Turn On A Dime and Get Change Back
458 1/28/1997 Mark Russell
459 3/5/1997 Michael Novak Work As A Vocation
460 5/5/1997 The Honorable Alan K. Simpson An Overview of Congress
461 9/30/1997 Lee Olsen, Ph.D. Imagine The Possibilities – A Multimedia Presentation
462 10/29/1997 Cathy E. Minehan
463 1/26/1998 John W. Rowe Electric Utility Restructuring
464 4/30/1998 Tim Russert Washington From The Inside Out
465 9/24/1998 William G. Shipman
466 1/13/1999 John E. Chubb
467 3/18/1999 Henrique Meirelles
Thomas E. Finneran
468 4/29/1999 Jeffrey D. Sachs
469 11/14/1999 Sam Nunn
470 12/15/1999 Charles D. Baker
Meeting Number Date Speaker
471 2/9/2000 Amity Shlaes
472 5/18/2000 Governor Paul Cellucci
473 10/5/2000 George F. Will
474 11/15/2000 Roger Brinner
475 1/25/2001 Michael P. Ryan
476 4/30/2001 Thomas F. Birmingham
477 9/19/2001 Bob Woodward
478 11/28/2001 Nicholas S. Perna
479 1/29/2002 Michael J. Widmer
480 6/3/2002 W. Mitt Romney
481 9/18/2002 Steve Forbes
482 11/7/2002 Ann Compton
483 2/26/2003 Joseph L. Badaracco, Jr.
484 6/10/2003 Gene B. Sperling
485 10/14/2003 Lt. General Daniel W. Christman, U.S. Army (Ret.)
486 12/4/2003 Jane Bryant Quinn
487 3/11/2004 Jerome J. Jacobs, CFA
488 4/27/2004 Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.
489 10/14/2004 Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
490 1/27/2005 Larry Lucchino
491 3/8/2005 John K. Lynch
492 5/4/2005 Doris Kearns Goodwin
493 10/11/2005 Tom Reilly
494 11/9/2005 Helen Thomas
499 10/18/2006 John J. Paris
500 11/29/2006 Jeffrey Carney
501 3/22/2007 Weinberg & Shepherdson
502 5/23/2007 Laura Ingraham
503 10/18/2007 Colleen C. Barrett
504 11/29/2007 Deval Patrick
505 3/26/2008 Jason L. Riley
506 5/8/2008 Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
507 9/25/2008 William Kristol
508 11/5/2008 Christopher F. Egan
509 1/29/2009 Michael F. Collins
510 4/16/2009 Martha Coakley
511 5/21/2009 Eric S. Rosengren
512 10/1/2009 Andrew H. Card, Jr.
514 2/24/2010 Michael V. O’Brien
515 4/29/2010 Karen Ignagni
516 9/20/2010 Gretchen Morgenson
517 11/16/2010 David Gergen
Meeting Number Date Speaker
518 2/24/2011 Mark Halperin
519 3/16/2011 John Sununu
520 5/25/2011 W. Patrick Hughes
521 10/27/2011 David M. Shribman
522 2/16/2012 David M. Walker
523 3/21/2012 Jeremy Black
524 5/3/2012 William W. Bradley
525 10/25/2012 Ralph D. Crowley, Jr.
526 12/13/2012 John Dickerson
527 2/28/2013 Bill Teuber
528 4/4/2013 Mark Shriver
529 5/15/2013 Scott Brown
530 10/16/2013 Stuart Altman
531 11/19/2013 William Glavin, Jr.
532 3/4/2014 Christina Bellantoni
533 6/11/2014 Mike Barnicle
534 10/28/2014 Mike Ryan
535 11/19/2014 Aaron Portnoy
536 3/4/2015 Robin Chase
537 4/7/2015 Stephen Dubner
538 5/13/2015 Tom Gardner
539 10/1/2015 John Maguire
540 11/12/2015 Richard B.Hoey
541 3/3/2016 Richard DesLauriers
542 4/12/2016 Nina Easton
543 5/18/2016 Ron Insana
544 10/5/2016 James Paulsen, Ph.D.
545 12/7/2016 Dan Kenary
546 2/2/2017 Thomas P. Joyce, Jr.
547 4/19/2017 Kathleen Murphy
548 6/16/2017 Charlie Baker
549 9/12/2017 Bruce Fenton
550 12/5/2017 William D. Cohan
551 1/17/2018 Michael P. Daly
552 4/12/2018 Leslie Berlin
553 5/30/2018 R. Nicholas Burns
554 10/10/2018 Martin T. Meehan
555 12/6/2018 Steven Malanga
556 2/7/2019 John C. Roche
557 4/11/2019 Jeffrey H. Harris
558 6/12/2019 Sandra L. Fenwick
559 10/15/2019 Steven Hoffman
560 12/3/2019 Peter S. Cohan
Meeting Number Date Speakers
561 10/14/2020 Dan Rea
562 12/10/2020 Joe Lonsdale
563 1/1/2021 Dr. Collins and Dr. Boucher
564 4/1/2021 Dan Ivascyn
565 11/4/2021 Cybersecurity Summit
566 2/9/2022 Bobby Jindal
567 3/9/2022 Dr. Jennifer Golbeck
568 4/20/2022 Todd Buchholz
569 6/23/2022 Jason Robins
570 10/13/2022 Mara Liasson
571 1/11/2023 Jeffrey Mortimer
572 3/21/23 Lisa Wieland
573 5/1/23 Brian Moynihan
574 6/7/23 Arthur Caplan
575 11/14/23 Scott P. Brown
576 1/25/24 Rick Green